Thursday, March 8, 2012

Product Reviewed: Amore Pacific Treatment Cleansing Foam

On the other end of the spectrum is Amore Pacific's Treatment Cleansing Foam.  ($50 for a cleanser?! Eeek!)  This little nugget is the Rolls Royce of cleansers--smooth, luxurious, and nearly twice the price of the competition.  However, if you're looking to splurge on a new product this is a great way to go.  The Treatment Cleansing Foam has micro-spheres of Vitamin E which dissolve as you massage the cleanser into the skin.  The foamy lather makes this a nice cleanser to use with your Clarisonic (I swear, even my Clarisonic brush head was cleaner after I started using this's that good.)  I also appreciate that Amore Pacific doesn't test on animals and makes every effort to be environmentally conscious.  So yeah, it's pricey, but it's an indulgence your skin will surely appreciate.  The way I see it, it's less than the price of even one facial and you get to use it every day!  (Did I mention I have this skill/problem that allows me to justify almost any purchase? Hmm...)

Tip: A little goes a loooong way.  Start with less than you'd think you need.

Another tip: Amore Pacific says this Cleansing Foam also doubles as a shaving cream, if there's a guy in your life who likes to indulge.

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